A collection of common questions & issues and how to solve them.

Please always check if there is an update available for MOONVALE on Google Play Store / iOS App Store . Most likely your problem has already been solved!


⚠️ My Chats have vanished

We are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as the issue is found and resolved.

Hotfix if you don’t want to wait: 
Reset the episode in the game settings (be careful, do not delete the account). You can access the settings at the top left of the chat overview.

I can't download or connect to the servers.

In case your download does not start, please try these solutions. Usually one will solve the problem.

1. Update the application
Please update your Moonvale via Google Play Store / iOS App Store to the latest version.

2. Empty Space
Please check if you have at least 900 mb of empty space left on your internal hard drive of your phone

3. Permissions
The download requires permissions in order to be able to write the data on the phone. 
To check app permissions:
  1. On your Android device, open the Settings app .
  2. Tap Apps
  3. Tap on Moonvale
  4. Tap Permissions. If a permission is turned off, the switch next to it will be gray. 
  5. Please manually turn on the permissions and try again


4. Data-Saver 
Please try to deactivate “Data Saver” or connect to a home wifi network.
Open your phone’s Settings app. Tap Network & internet  > Data Saver. Turn Data Saver off 


5. WLAN / Mobile Data
Please try to change your internet connection from Wireless to Mobile Data or vice versa and see if this makes any difference.


      ⚠️ My Chats have vanished

      We are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update as soon as the issue is found and resolved.

      Hotfix if you don’t want to wait: 
      Reset the episode in the game settings (be careful, do not delete the account). You can access the settings at the top left of the chat overview.

      My game doesn't continue. What do i have to do?

      A small red dot shows you what to do next. This usually takes you to the minigames or to the chat overview.
      If this is not the case, please do the following:

      1. Open Moonvale
      2. Go to the “Apps” tab and select the phone app. Type “#01” in the field and call
      3. Send us a screenshot of the window as well as a short description of your problem in text form to

      // PAYMENT

      I made a purchase but didn't receive the item.

      In 99% of all cases this happens because Google / Apple canceled or declined your purchase for some reason. Good news is that they will automatically refund your money. Generally speaking you can simply try to purchase the item again. If you’re in doubt you can always check your Google Payment History. Only successful transactions will be listed there.

      If for some reason the purchase is listed in your Google Payment History but you didn’t receive the goods, please tap on the purchase and look for the GPA number (GPA.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX) and send us an email including the GPA Number to – we will look into your case!

      // Duskwood Code

      Where can I enter my Duskwood code?

      As the story progresses you will be asked for your name. This will open a window where you can also enter your Duskwood code.

      ⚠️ If you have not entered your code here, you will not have another opportunity to do so!

      You haven’t entered your code here and would like to enter a code later? Then reset your game in the game settings under “Reset Episode”. You will be asked to enter the Duskwood code again at the relevant point in the game.

      I lost my Duskwood code. What can I do?

      Unfortunately we cannot restore your code. If you have lost your code, complete Duskwood again to generate a new code.

      If your problem is not listed above please send us an email including a description of your problem to

      ⚠️ Please keep in mind the team can not recover lost Duskwood-Codes, savegames or achievements!